Recent Scholarship Winners


Joseph Ertman

2024 Digital Privacy Scholarship Winner
Student from Ventura, California, at the University of California Santa Barbara

“I'm taking responsibility for my digital profile by treating other internet users like people. It's easy to dehumanize them when they're behind a screen, but they deserve the same respect.”

Essence Felder

2024 Technology Addiction Awareness Scholarship Winner
Student from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at the University of Oklahoma

“When I was younger, you would always find me in a book. Now I can't even focus long enough to finish one. I want to find that girl again.”

Liana van Woesik

2023 Don’t Text and Drive Scholarship Winner
Graduate student from Melbourne Beach, Florida, at the Florida Institute of Technology

“I pledge to not text and drive because of the tragedy and despair in the eyes of my teammate and friend whose 12-year-old sister was killed on a crosswalk by a distracted driver.”